About the Faculty


Faculty of Human Nutrition

Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW
Address: Nowoursynowska 159 C, 02-776 Warsaw
e-mail: dwnzck@sggw.edu.pl; http://wnzck.sggw.pl

The Faculty of Human Nutrition (formerly The Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences and the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Rural Home Economics) was founded on October 1st, 1977. Prof. Stanisław Berger was the creator of human nutrition science at academic level in Poland. He was also first head of the Department, then the Institute as well as first dean of the Faculty. 

Nowadays the Faculty has more than 120 staff members and enrols more than 1500 students (full-time, part-time, evening and postgraduate courses). The Faculty holds the right to confer the degrees of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. as well as doctor habilitatus (a post-doctoral degree) of agricultural sciences in the discipline of “food technology and human nutrition”.

During its 29-year history, the Faculty educated almost 3500 graduates, among 1200 with B.Sc. and 2300 with M.Sc. degrees. The Faculty Board awarded over 100 degree of Ph.D. and 7 degrees of doctor habilitatus as well as proceeded 6 titles of professor.

The Faculty offers the three-stage studies programs in the field of food technology and human nutrition in the area of human nutrition or human nutrition and consumer sciences. First-stage studies with degree of engineer (B.Sc.), second one leading to Master degree (M.Sc.) and after that Ph.D. studies.

Besides of that Faculty is providing post-graduate studies on nutritional counselling, human nutrition and home economics, organization of tourism and agro-tourism, modern organization and management in catering as well as enterprise in the contact of integration with the EU.

The Faculty consists of following departments: Human Nutrition, Dietetics, Functional Food and Commodities, Engineering and Catering Technology, Organization and Consumption Economics, in which according to their specificity, besides educational and research activities, the offer for practice is developed.