czwartek, 16.05.2019

Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji zaprasza 21 maja br. na International Conference on Food and Nutrition

The Dean of the Faculty and Organizing Committee invite students and faculty employees to participate in International Conference on Food and Nutrition to be held on 21st May 2019 /Tuesday/

Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences

Campus WULS, building 32, Aula III

Conference program:

14.00 - 14.30     Experiences on reformulation strategies for obtaining healthier meat products. Diana Ansorena Artieda, University of Navarra, Spain

14.30 - 14.55     Sweteners used in the food industry: present and future. Katarzyna Świąder, Warsaw Univerity of Life Sciences, Poland 

15.00 - 15.30     To homeopathize or not to homeopathize. Leen Amery, University Colleges Leuven Limburg, Belgium

15.30 - 15.55     "White crystals" in the management of hypertension, Danuta Gajewska, Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak, Warsaw Univerity of Life Sciences, Poland 

16.00 - 16.30     Growth trends of Lithuanian primary school children. Evaluation of growth of children – main standards. Ausra Petrauskiene, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

16.30 - 16.55     Anti-aging diet - how to grow old healthier? Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak, Danuta Gajewska, Warsaw Univerity of Life Sciences, Poland 

17.00 - 17.30     The trends in subjective healthand lifestyle of the first-year students from Kaunas universities between 2000 and 2017. Vilma Kriaučionien, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

17.30 - 18.00     Hydratation status in athletes. Frank Delaere, University Colleges Leuven Limburg, Belgium               

Admission to the conferences is free. All students and employees are welcome!

